Section 511 | Article 20 | Aggravated Unlicensed (2024)

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Vehicle and Traffic Law

Consolidated Laws of New York's VTL code

Section 511 - NY Vehicle and Traffic Law

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  • Vehicle Traffic Law

  • Title V

  • Article 20

  • Section 511

Section 511 | Article 20 | SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION

Section Description
511 Operation while license or privilege is suspended or revoked; aggravated unlicensed operation.
511-a Facilitating aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle.
511-b Seizure and redemption of unlawfully operated vehicles.
511-c Seizure and forfeiture of vehicles used in the unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle under certain circ*mstances.
511-d Aggravated failure to answer appearance tickets or pay fines imposed.
 S 511. Operation while license or privilege is suspended or revoked; aggravated unlicensed operation. 1. Aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third degree. (a) A person is guilty of the offense of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third degree when such person operates a motor vehicle upon a public highway while knowing or having reason to know that such person's license or privilege of operating such motor vehicle in this state or privilege of obtaining a license to operate such motor vehicle issued by the commissioner is suspended, revoked or otherwise withdrawn by the commissioner. (b) Aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third degree is a misdemeanor. When a person is convicted of this offense, the sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars; or (ii) a term of imprisonment of not more than thirty days; or (iii) both such fine and imprisonment. (c) When a person is convicted of this offense with respect to the operation of a motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than eighteen thousand pounds, the sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than fifteen hundred dollars; or (ii) a term of imprisonment of not more than thirty days; or (iii) both such fine and imprisonment. 2. Aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the second degree. (a) A person is guilty of the offense of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the second degree when such person commits the offense of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third degree as defined in subdivision one of this section; and (i) has previously been convicted of an offense that consists of or includes the elements comprising the offense committed within the immediately preceding eighteen months; or (ii) the suspension or revocation is based upon a refusal to submit to a chemical test pursuant to section eleven hundred ninety-four of this chapter, a finding of driving after having consumed alcohol in violation of section eleven hundred ninety-two-a of this chapter or upon a conviction for a violation of any of the provisions of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this chapter; or (iii) the suspension was a mandatory suspension pending prosecution of a charge of a violation of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this chapter ordered pursuant to paragraph (e) of subdivision two of section eleven hundred ninety-three of this chapter or other similar statute; or (iv) such person has in effect three or more suspensions, imposed on at least three separate dates, for failure to answer, appear or pay a fine, pursuant to subdivision three of section two hundred twenty-six or subdivision four-a of section five hundred ten of this chapter. (b) Aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the second degree is a misdemeanor. When a person is convicted of this crime under subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine of not less than five hundred dollars; and (ii) a term of imprisonment not to exceed one hundred eighty days; or (iii) where appropriate a sentence of probation as provided in subdivision six of this section; or (iv) a term of imprisonment as a condition of a sentence of probation as provided in the penal law and consistent with this section. When a person is convicted of this crime under subparagraph (ii), (iii) or (iv) of paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars; and (ii) a term of imprisonment of not less than seven days nor more than one hundred eighty days, or (iii) where appropriate a sentence of probation as provided in subdivision six of this section; or (iv) a term of imprisonment as a condition of a sentence of probation as provided in the penal law and consistent with this section. 3. Aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the first degree. (a) A person is guilty of the offense of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the first degree when such person: (i) commits the offense of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the second degree as provided in subparagraph (ii), (iii) or (iv) of paragraph (a) of subdivision two of this section and is operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or a drug in violation of subdivision one, two, two-a, three, four, four-a or five of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this chapter; or (ii) commits the offense of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third degree as defined in subdivision one of this section; and is operating a motor vehicle while such person has in effect ten or more suspensions, imposed on at least ten separate dates for failure to answer, appear or pay a fine, pursuant to subdivision three of section two hundred twenty-six of this chapter or subdivision four-a of section five hundred ten of this article; or (iii) commits the offense of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third degree as defined in subdivision one of this section; and is operating a motor vehicle while under permanent revocation as set forth in subparagraph twelve of paragraph (b) of subdivision two of section eleven hundred ninety-three of this chapter; or (iv) operates a motor vehicle upon a public highway while holding a conditional license issued pursuant to paragraph (a) of subdivision seven of section eleven hundred ninety-six of this chapter while under the influence of alcohol or a drug in violation of subdivision one, two, two-a, three, four, four-a or five of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this chapter. (b) Aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the first degree is a class E felony. When a person is convicted of this crime, the sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine in an amount not less than five hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars; and (ii) a term of imprisonment as provided in the penal law, or (iii) where appropriate and a term of imprisonment is not required by the penal law, a sentence of probation as provided in subdivision six of this section, or (iv) a term of imprisonment as a condition of a sentence of probation as provided in the penal law. 4. Defense. In any prosecution under this section or section five hundred eleven-a of this chapter, it is a defense that the person operating the motor vehicle has at the time of the offense a license issued by a foreign country, state, territory or federal district, which license is valid for operation in this state in accordance with the provisions of section two hundred fifty of this chapter. 5. Limitation on pleas. Where an accusatory instrument charges a violation of this section, any plea of guilty entered in satisfaction of such charge must include at least a plea of guilty of one of the offenses defined by this section and no other disposition by plea of guilty to any other charge in satisfaction of such charge shall be authorized; provided, however, that if the district attorney upon reviewing the available evidence determines that the charge of a violation of this section is not warranted, he may set forth upon the record the basis for such determination and consent to a disposition by plea of guilty to another charge in satisfaction of such charge, and the court may accept such plea. 6. Sentence of probation. In any case where a sentence of probation is authorized by this section, the court may in its discretion impose such sentence, provided however, if the court is of the opinion that a program of alcohol or drug treatment may be effective in assisting in prevention of future offenses of a similar nature upon imposing such sentence, the court shall require as a condition of the sentence that the defendant participate in such a program. 7. Exceptions. When a person is convicted of a violation of subdivision one or two of this section, and the suspension was issued pursuant to (a) subdivision four-e of section five hundred ten of this article due to a support arrears, or (b) subdivision four-f of section five hundred ten of the article due to past-due tax liabilities, the mandatory penalties set forth in subdivision one or two of this section shall not be applicable if, on or before the return date or subsequent adjourned date, such person presents proof that such support arrears or past-due tax liabilities have been satisfied as shown by certified check, notice issued by the court ordering the suspension, or notice from a support collection unit or department of taxation and finance as applicable. The sentencing court shall take the satisfaction of arrears or the payment of the past-due tax liabilities into account when imposing a sentence for any such conviction. For licenses suspended for non-payment of past-due tax liabilities, the court shall also take into consideration proof, in the form of a notice from the department of taxation and finance, that such person has made payment arrangements that are satisfactory to the commissioner of taxation and finance. S 511-a. Facilitating aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. 1. A person is guilty of the offense of facilitating aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third degree when such person consents to the operation upon a public highway of a motor vehicle registered in such person's name knowing or having reason to know that the operator of such vehicle is a person whose license or privilege of operating such motor vehicle in this state or privilege of obtaining a license issued to operate such motor vehicle by the commissioner is suspended, revoked or otherwise withdrawn by the commissioner and the vehicle is operated upon a public highway by such person. 2. Facilitating aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third degree is a traffic infraction. When a person is convicted thereof the sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars or (ii) a term of imprisonment of not more than fifteen days, or (iii) both. 3. A person is guilty of facilitating aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the second degree when such person: (a) commits the offense of facilitating aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third degree as defined in subdivision one of this section after having been convicted of such offense within the preceding eighteen months; or (b) consents to the operation upon a public highway of a motor vehicle registered in such person's name knowing or having reason to know that the operator of such vehicle is a person who has in effect three or more suspensions, imposed on at least three separate dates, for failure to answer, appear or pay a fine, pursuant to subdivision three of section two hundred twenty-six or subdivision four-a of section five hundred ten of this chapter; or (c) commits the crime of facilitating aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the third degree after having been convicted of such an offense two or more times within the preceding five years. For purposes of this subdivision, "motor vehicle" shall mean any vehicle for hire, including a taxicab, livery, as defined in section one hundred twenty-one-e of this chapter, coach, limousine, van or wheelchair accessible van, tow truck, bus or commercial motor vehicle as defined section five hundred nine-a of this chapter. Facilitating aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the second degree is a misdemeanor. When a person is convicted of this crime pursuant to paragraphs (a) or (b) of this subdivision, the sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine of not less than five hundred dollars, nor more than seven hundred fifty dollars; or (ii) a term of imprisonment not to exceed sixty days; or (iii) both a fine and imprisonment; or (iv) where appropriate, a sentence of probation; or (v) a term of imprisonment as a condition of a sentence of probation as provided in the penal law. When a person is convicted of this crime pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subdivision, the sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine of not less than five hundred, nor more than one thousand dollars; or (ii) a term of imprisonment not to exceed one hundred eighty days; or (iii) both a fine and imprisonment; or (iv) where appropriate, a sentence of probation; or (v) a term of imprisonment as a condition of probation as provided in the penal law. 4. A person is guilty of facilitating aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the first degree when such person consents to the operation upon a public highway of a motor vehicle registered in such person's name knowing or having reason to know that the operator of such vehicle is a person who has in effect ten or more suspensions, imposed on at least ten separate dates, for failure to answer, appear or pay a fine, pursuant to subdivision three of section two hundred twenty-six or subdivision four-a of section five hundred ten of this chapter. For purposes of this subdivision, "motor vehicle" shall mean any vehicle for hire, including a taxicab, livery, as defined in section one hundred twenty-one-e of this chapter, coach, limousine, van or wheelchair accessible van, tow truck, bus or commercial motor vehicle as defined in section five hundred nine-a of this chapter. Facilitating aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the first degree is a class E felony. When a person is convicted of this crime, the sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine in an amount not less than one thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars; and (ii) a term of imprisonment as provided in the penal law; or (iii) where appropriate, a sentence of probation; or (iv) a term of imprisonment as a condition of a sentence of probation as provided in the penal law. 5. Upon a conviction of a violation of subdivision three or four of this section the commissioner shall revoke the registration of the motor vehicle for which the defendant's consent is given and shall only be restored pursuant to the provisions of subdivision five of section five hundred ten of this article. If such defendant is a corporation, partnership, association or other group, none of its officers, principals, directors or stockholders owning more than ten percent of the outstanding stock of the corporation shall be eligible to register the motor vehicle. S 511-b. Seizure and redemption of unlawfully operated vehicles. 1. Upon making an arrest or upon issuing a summons or an appearance ticket for the crime of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the first or second degree committed in his presence, an officer shall remove or arrange for the removal of the vehicle to a garage, automobile pound, or other place of safety where it shall remain impounded, subject to the provisions of this section if: (a) the operator is the registered owner of the vehicle or the vehicle is not properly registered; or (b) proof of financial security is not produced; or (c) where a person other than the operator is the registered owner and, such person or another properly licensed and authorized to possess and operate the vehicle is not present. The vehicle shall be entered into the New York statewide police information network as an impounded vehicle and the impounding police department shall promptly notify the owner and the local authority that the vehicle has been impounded. 2. A motor vehicle so impounded shall be in the custody of the local authority and shall not be released unless: (a) The person who redeems it has furnished satisfactory evidence of registration and financial security; (b) Payment has been made for the reasonable costs of removal and storage of the motor vehicle. The registered owner of the vehicle shall be responsible for such payment provided, however, that if he was not the operator at the time of the offense he shall have a cause of action against such operator to recover such costs. Payment prior to release of the vehicle shall not be required in cases where the impounded vehicle was stolen or was rented or leased pursuant to a written agreement for a period of thirty days or less, however the operator of such a vehicle shall be liable for the costs of removal and storage of the vehicle to any entity rendering such service. (c) Where the motor vehicle was operated by a person who at the time of the offense was the owner thereof, (i) satisfactory evidence that the registered owner or other person seeking to redeem the vehicle has a license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle in this state, and (ii) (A) satisfactory evidence that the criminal action founded upon the charge of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle has been terminated and that any fine imposed as a result of a conviction thereon has been paid, or (B) a certificate issued by the court in which the criminal action was commenced ordering release of the vehicle prior to the judgment or compliance therewith in the interest of justice, or (C) a certificate issued by the district attorney or other officer authorized to prosecute such charge waiving the requirement that the vehicle be held as security for appearance before and compliance with the judgment of the court. 3. When a vehicle seized and impounded pursuant to this section has been in the custody of the local authority for thirty days, such authority shall make inquiry in the manner prescribed by the commissioner as to the name and address of the owner and any lienholder and upon receipt of such information shall notify the owner and the lienholder, if any, at his last known address by certified mail, return receipt requested, that if the vehicle is not retrieved pursuant to subdivision two of this section within thirty days from the date the notice is given, it will be forfeited. If the vehicle was registered in New York the last known address shall be that address on file with the commissioner. If the vehicle was registered out-of-state or never registered, notification shall be made in the manner prescribed by the commissioner. 4. A motor vehicle that has been seized and not retrieved pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this section shall be forfeited to the local authority upon expiration of the period of the notice set forth in subdivision three of this section provided, however, in computing such period, the period of time during which a criminal prosecution is or was pending against the owner for a violation of this section shall be excluded. A proceeding to decree such forfeiture and to recover towing and storage costs, if any, to the extent such costs exceed the fair market value of the vehicle may be brought by the local authority in the court in which the criminal action for aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle was commenced by petition for an order decreeing forfeiture of the motor vehicle accompanied by an affidavit attesting to facts showing that forfeiture is warranted. If the identity and address of the owner and/or lienholder is known to the local authority, ten days notice shall be given to such party, who shall have an opportunity to appear and be heard prior to entry of an order decreeing forfeiture. Where the court is satisfied that forfeiture of a motor vehicle is warranted in accordance with this section, it shall enter an order decreeing forfeiture of such vehicle. Provided, however, that the court at any time prior to entry of such an order may authorize release of the vehicle in accordance with subdivision two of this section upon a showing of good cause for failure to retrieve same prior to commencement of the proceeding to decree forfeiture, but if the court orders release of the motor vehicle as herein provided and the vehicle is not redeemed within ten days from the date of such order, the vehicle shall be deemed to have been abandoned and the court upon application of the local authority must enter an order decreeing its forfeiture. 5. A motor vehicle forfeited in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be and become the property of the local authority, subject however to any lien that was recorded prior to the seizure. 6. For the purposes of this section, the term "local authority" means the municipality in which the motor vehicle was seized; except that if the motor vehicle was seized on property of the New York state thruway authority or property under the jurisdiction of the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation, the department of transportation, or a public authority or commission, the term "local authority" means such authority, office, department, or commission. A county may provide by local law that the county may act as the agent for a local authority under this section. 7. When a vehicle has been seized and impounded pursuant to this section, the local authority or any person having custody of the vehicle shall make the vehicle available or grant access to it to any owner or any person designated or authorized by such owner for the purpose of (i) taking possession of any personal property found within the vehicle and (ii) obtaining proof of registration, financial security, title or documentation in support thereof. S 511-c. Seizure and forfeiture of vehicles used in the unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle under certain circ*mstances. 1. For purposes of this section: (a) The term "owner" shall mean an owner as defined in section one hundred twenty-eight and in subdivision three of section three hundred eighty-eight of this chapter. (b) The term "security interest" shall mean a security interest as defined in subdivision (k) of section two thousand one hundred one of this chapter. (c) The term "termination of the criminal proceeding" shall mean the earliest of (i) thirty-one days following the imposition of sentence; or (ii) the date of acquittal of a person arrested for an offense; or (iii) where leave to file new charges or to resubmit the case to a new grand jury is required and has not been granted, thirty-one days following the dismissal of the last accusatory instrument filed in the case, or, if applicable, upon expiration of the time granted by the court or permitted by statute for filing new charges or resubmitting the case to a new grand jury; or (iv) where leave to file new charges or to resubmit the case to a new grand jury is not required, thirty-one days following the dismissal of the last accusatory instrument filed in the case, or, if applicable, upon expiration of the time granted by the court or permitted by statute for filing new charges or resubmitting the case to a new grand jury; or (v) six months from the issuance of an "adjournment in contemplation of dismissal" order pursuant to section 170.55 of the criminal procedure law, where the case is not restored to the court's calendar within the applicable six-month period; or (vi) the date when, prior to the filing of an accusatory instrument against a person arrested for an offense, the prosecuting authority elects not to prosecute such person. 2. Any motor vehicle which has been or is being used in violation of paragraph (a) of subdivision three of section five hundred eleven of this article may be seized by any peace officer, acting pursuant to his or her special duties, or police officer, and forfeited as hereinafter provided in this section. 3. A vehicle may be seized upon service of a notice of violation upon the owner or operator of a vehicle. The seized motor vehicle shall be delivered by the officer having made the seizure to the custody of the district attorney of the county wherein the seizure was made, except that in the cities of New York, Yonkers, Rochester and Buffalo the seized motor vehicle shall be delivered to the custody of the police department of such cities and such motor vehicle seized by a member or members of the state police shall be delivered to the custody of the superintendent of state police, together with a report of all the facts and circ*mstances of the seizure. Within one business day after the seizure, notice of such violation and a copy of the notice of violation shall be mailed to the owner of such vehicle at the address for such owner set forth in the records maintained by the department of motor vehicles or, for vehicles not registered in New York state, such equivalent record in such state of registration. 4. (a) The attorney general in seizures by members of the state police, or the district attorney of the county wherein the seizure is made, if elsewhere than in the cities of New York, Yonkers, Rochester or Buffalo, or where the seizure is made in such cities, the corporation counsel of the city shall inquire into the facts of the seizure so reported to him or her. If it appears that there is a basis for the commencement and prosecution of a forfeiture proceeding pursuant to this section, any such forfeiture proceeding shall be commenced in supreme court not later than twenty days after the date of receipt of a written demand by a person claiming ownership of the motor vehicle accompanied by the documentation required to be presented upon release of the vehicle pursuant to subparagraphs (i), (ii), and (iv) of paragraph (a) of subdivision five of this section. (b) Where forfeiture proceedings are commenced and prosecuted pursuant to this section, the motor vehicle which is the subject of such proceedings shall remain in the custody of such district attorney, police department or superintendent of state police, as applicable, pending the final determination of such proceedings. (c) To the extent applicable, the procedures of article thirteen-A of the civil practice law and rules shall govern proceedings and actions under this section. 5. A motor vehicle seized pursuant to this section shall be released when: (a) (i) Such attorney general, district attorney or corporation counsel has made a determination not to institute forfeiture proceedings pursuant to this section or the time period within which a forfeiture proceeding could have been commenced pursuant to this section has elapsed and no such forfeiture proceeding was commenced or the criminal proceeding has been terminated in favor of the accused, as defined in subdivision three of section 160.50 of the criminal procedure law; and (ii) The person seeking to claim the motor vehicle has furnished satisfactory evidence of registration and financial security and, if the person was the operator of the vehicle at the time of the violation of paragraph (a) of subdivision three of section five hundred eleven of this article, satisfactory evidence of payment of any fines or penalties imposed in connection therewith; and (iii) Payment has been made for the reasonable costs of removal and storage of the motor vehicle. The owner of the motor vehicle shall be responsible for such payment provided, however, that if he or she was not the operator at the time of the offense, such person shall have a cause of action against such operator to recover such costs. Payment prior to release of the motor vehicle shall not be required in cases where the seized motor vehicle was stolen or rented or leased pursuant to a written agreement for a period of thirty days or less, however the operator of such a motor vehicle shall be liable for the costs of removal and storage of the motor vehicle to any entity rendering such service; and (iv) If the motor vehicle is held as evidence, the person seeking to claim the motor vehicle has presented a release from the prosecuting authority providing that the motor vehicle is not needed as evidence. (b) (i) Pending completion of forfeiture proceedings which have been commenced, the person seeking to claim the motor vehicle has posted a bond in a form satisfactory to such attorney general, district attorney or corporation counsel in an amount that shall not exceed an amount sufficient to cover the maximum fines or civil penalties which may be imposed for the violation underlying the seizure and all reasonable costs for removal and storage of such vehicle; and (ii) The persons seeking to claim the motor vehicle has furnished satisfactory evidence of registration and financial security. 6. Where a demand for the return of a motor vehicle is not made within ninety days after the termination of the criminal proceeding founded upon the charge of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the first degree, such motor vehicle shall be deemed to be abandoned. Such vehicle shall be disposed of by the county, cities of New York, Yonkers, Rochester or Buffalo or the state, as applicable, in accordance with section twelve hundred twenty-four of this chapter or as otherwise provided by law. 7. Notice of the institution of the forfeiture proceeding shall be served: (a) By personal service pursuant to the civil practice law and rules upon all owners of the seized motor vehicle listed in the records maintained by the department, or for vehicles not registered in New York state, in the records maintained by the state of registration; and (b) By first class mail upon all individuals who have notified such attorney general, district attorney or corporation counsel that they are an owner of the vehicle and upon all persons holding a security interest in such motor vehicle which security interest has been filed with the department pursuant to the provisions of title ten of this chapter, at the address set forth in the records of such department, or for motor vehicles not registered in New York state, all persons holding a security interest in such motor vehicle which security interest has been filed with such state of registration, at the address provided by such state of registration. 8. Any owner who receives notice of the institution of a forfeiture action who claims an interest in the motor vehicle subject to forfeiture shall assert a claim for the recovery of the motor vehicle or satisfaction of the owner's interest in such motor vehicle by intervening in the forfeiture action in accordance with subdivision (a) of section one thousand twelve of the civil practice law and rules. Any person with a security interest in such vehicle who receives notice of the institution of the forfeiture action shall assert a claim for the satisfaction of such person's security interest in such vehicle by intervening in the forfeiture action in accordance with subdivision (a) of section one thousand twelve of the civil practice law and rules. If the action relates to a vehicle in which a person holding a security interest has intervened pursuant to this subdivision, the burden shall be upon the designated official to prove by clear and convincing evidence that such intervenor knew that such vehicle was or would be used for the commission of a violation of subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) of subdivision three of section five hundred eleven of the vehicle and traffic law and either (a) knowingly and unlawfully benefitted from such conduct or (b) voluntarily agreed to the use of the vehicle for the commission of such violation by consent freely given. For purposes of this subdivision, such intervenor knowingly and unlawfully benefited from the commission of such violation when he or she derived in exchange for permitting the use of such vehicle by a person or persons committing such specified violation a substantial benefit that would otherwise not have accrued as a result of the lawful use of such vehicle. "Benefit" means benefit as defined in subdivision seventeen of section 10.00 of the penal law. 9. No motor vehicle shall be forfeited under this section to the extent of the interest of a person who claims an interest in the motor vehicle, where such person pleads and proves that: (a) The use of such motor vehicle for the conduct that was the basis for a seizure occurred without the knowledge of such person, or if such person had knowledge of such use, without the consent of such person, and that such person did not knowingly obtain such interest in the motor vehicle in order to avoid the forfeiture of such vehicle; or (b) The conduct that was the basis for such seizure was committed by any person other than such person claiming an interest in the motor vehicle, while such motor vehicle was unlawfully in the possession of a person who acquired possession thereof in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any state. 10. The court in which a forfeiture action is pending may dismiss said action in the interests of justice upon its own motion or upon an application as provided for herein. (a) At any time during the pendency of a forfeiture action, the designated official who instituted the action, or a defendant may apply for an order dismissing the complaint and terminating the forfeiture action in the interest of justice. (b) Such application for the relief provided in paragraph (a) of this subdivision must be made in writing and upon notice to all parties. The court may, in its discretion, direct that notice be given to any other person having an interest in the property. (c) An application for the relief provided for in paragraph (a) of this subdivision must be brought exclusively in the superior court in which the forfeiture action is pending. (d) The court may grant the relief provided in paragraph (a) of this subdivision if it finds that such relief is warranted by the existence of some compelling factor, consideration or circ*mstance demonstrating that forfeiture of the property or any part thereof, would not serve the ends of justice. Among the factors, considerations and circ*mstances the court may consider, among others, are: (i) the seriousness and circ*mstances of the crime to which the property is connected relative to the impact of forfeiture of property upon the person who committed the crime; or (ii) the adverse impact of a forfeiture of property upon innocent persons. (e) The court must issue a written decision stating the basis for an order issued pursuant to this subdivision. 11. The district attorney, police department or superintendent of state police having custody of the seized motor vehicle, after such judicial determination of forfeiture, shall, by a public notice of at least twenty days, sell such forfeited motor vehicle at public sale. The net proceeds of any such sale, after deduction of the lawful expenses incurred, shall be paid into the general fund of the county wherein the seizure was made, provided, however, that the net proceeds of the sale of a motor vehicle seized in the cities of New York, Yonkers, Rochester and Buffalo shall be paid into the respective general funds of such cities, and provided further that the net proceeds of the sale of a motor vehicle seized by the state police shall be paid into the state police seized assets account. 12. In any action commenced pursuant to this section, where the court awards a sum of money to one or more persons in satisfaction of such person's or persons' interest or interests in the forfeited motor vehicle, the total amount awarded to satisfy such interest or interests shall not exceed the amount of the net proceeds of the sale of the forfeited motor vehicle, after deduction of the lawful expenses incurred by the county, cities of New York, Yonkers, Rochester or Buffalo or the state, as applicable, and storage of the motor vehicle between the time of seizure and the date of sale. 13. At any time within two years after the seizure, any person claiming an interest in a motor vehicle which has been forfeited pursuant to this section who was not sent notice of the commencement of the forfeiture action pursuant to subdivision seven of this section, or who did not otherwise receive actual notice of the forfeiture action, may assert in an action commenced before the justice of the supreme court before whom the forfeiture action was held such claim as could have been asserted in the forfeiture action pursuant to this section. The court may grant the relief sought upon such terms and conditions as it deems reasonable and just if the person claiming an interest in the motor vehicle establishes that he or she was not sent notice of the commencement of the forfeiture action and was without actual knowledge of the forfeiture action, and establishes either of the affirmative defenses set forth in subdivision nine of this section. 14. No action under this section for wrongful seizure shall be instituted unless such action is commenced within two years after the time when the motor vehicle was seized. S 511-d. Aggravated failure to answer appearance tickets or pay fines imposed. 1. A person is guilty of the offense of aggravated failure to answer appearance tickets or pay fines imposed when such person has in effect twenty or more suspensions, imposed on at least twenty separate dates, for failure to answer, appear or pay a fine pursuant to subdivision three of section two hundred twenty-six or subdivision four-a of section five hundred ten of this chapter. 2. A person may be prosecuted for a violation of this section in any court of competent jurisdiction in any county: (a) in which more than ten tickets which resulted in suspension for failures to answer, appear or pay fines were issued, or (b) in which the twentieth or any subsequent ticket which resulted in a suspension for failure to answer, appear or pay a fine was issued. The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to any suspension which has been terminated prior to the defendant's being charged with a violation of this section. 3. Aggravated failure to answer appearance tickets or pay fines imposed is a misdemeanor. When a person is convicted of this crime, the sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine of not less than five hundred dollars; or (ii) a term of imprisonment of not more than one hundred eighty days; or (iii) both such fine and imprisonment.Top of Page...Article 20 | s510 | s511 | s512 | s513 | s514 | s515 | s516 | s517

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Article information

Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 6003

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.