The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

I Vex wi SmPm a. ws at ef At ai 0 at ww Wo 4 L- I Ill .1 1 IF THERE IS AN ERROR IN DURCtASSiFiEDr Classifieds must be received by fertile day you PLEASE LET US KNOW BY 9:00 AM THE NEXT DAY want it in the paper. 522-4871 fax 522-7691 1 tot. LOT. .1 I tw OwmoH tttumuna tounSTeonaorKF so Mk Animal Welfare.

322-7693. MUU wo at you krone. Help school A JOM Col OUIeN. Ciovat Cenier, Col- INtNMjIstyU hKltuCiAN. Forward reeuete to.

Fa Bee 117; kVowMlown. 47220 DUMeeltC lAUNUStft loutg eppncenom for van-eve potmant la aw produdbon area. Day thA Storting wage S3 30 per hour. Apply la perton: 1301 Vt TiprovSeymout, VOCA Of Mono, a mooer i the HQOUZ looking lor a Seeioj Support Attcciare. Mvtl have tor monmt epwvnce working in MIDO Wd and be leader of omer euocioi.

Pkease col Nrjneae 8I2273243 yoee any au.tton. PtXRTTIMI WATntns needed. Must be 21. Col Nancy. Ems lodge 322-1637.

WANT TO Stack owobKS. Wk eeJa. sxsWctat col. out. Saturday, out.

Seymour 26th, 9-1 lorn, pfan to work- end fitness. 2012 East Tipton. 324-CUJb. WANTtOt frtUCNtl Baptist -bockground deakls call 3SB-5 103497 2665. WOM WTTH A feiAT TIAM WNSM TTXal Bfsostl WaM APPMOsWD SUPEUOR IvUUNTINANa CO.

JofnBsOrioJ Immi AAMnsbaW Hft a LVeeajxes jaaSMxneetJWIafc aaasai xeuehxis a. Mnl PCJI CBVpBrnOtXkPV iTOnSp*rnlBKjrt QFaTJ aJsveiOtBV, ExrxtnenceluitpluJ but wfl train. Must bring police report Heath A Dwuol Insurance. 401K. on.

week paid vocakon. bonuses, eotd holidayt Jab Sits: Toyota moWval Equuamenl Columbus, to Col 1-800861-4951 5 St EARN EXTRA Delivering The Tribune Monday thru Friday rjfWnoons ana Sarurday mornings Route now open in following areas: Circle Sr. Honcoek St. O'SrieriSr, C. Trpton 51., Call Today to start making money tomorrow 522-4371 NOMB BAUD BUSINESS earn $1000 to $5000 per week.

Serious inquires only. 'Not MlM" I4I2V23-6273 A BMAtl Daycare hos operungt le ond 2nd shift. SZ34659. ATTINTtON WOWSNO parent I'm looking for children to baby sit in my home, any shift. Great with kids, con give references.

524-8208 CHILO CAM In my home, 1st shift only. Experienced and dependable have excellent references. Ages 1-5 years. 523-6703 CHKO CAM my home 1st and 2nd shifts reasonable roles meals included. Babies welcome.

Cromer wlmUnlcntown location. Col 873-6429. CHW CAM In my home le shift only col 522- 9851, CHUB CARS in my home, 4 years experience. 523-: 3402 DBPtNOASU SrrTIK for evenings 3:00 to 7:00 3-4 nights week. 323-1362 130781100 IKUtWV PtRSON Marked.

parMime. night local plant ideal tor rented perton. Co 523-1753 Sn-UPHANDUR totitbswy of thq pemdm pair pvocoM ooHpjnoRkf onci tool for producon runt. QuoUKOkont include a High Sckad Diptoma. previous poml processing enperience ond the proven obkty to cooreVwra a small group el rnotNotsd empbyeet srslety.

produclwety ond producing ojuohty parts. We oftet eernpeetwe wages and bensfitt and growth epperluniry to seccetthil crmdiddnm. MoJ or drop of resume ond salary htteoy Isk 14 W. OAMAva. IN47MS STOP IN TODAY $99.00 1st months rent HEAT PAID rMsWeJcCrme 1-2 Eexireorns Coll Now 522-2175 STORE MANAGER- PAWN PRO SEYMOUR, INDIANA QUAUflCATIONS: Ability to accurately hondkt cmsomer merchondrse respwsibty Keep dairy totals and business records up to dole Accountable for complete rxMrakons ol pawn store Ability to cakutote Merest rates oKuraterv Knowledge of the value of merchandise being powneo or purenqsoo ncsprut Valid drlver'i license required Able to handle fostpaced erwkonment Background check required Successful eondidole vri be dstaltarienled, possets excellent communtcorlon tklDi.

ond too aualltv customer service, lb apply for this position, please sending or taxing resume to: FullOPep Appliances, Inc. 5109 State Road 37 Business Bloomington, IN 47404 ATTN: jonot Biory, Human kesources BUNRVHORB, OR1RATORB, laborers for local bridge construction. Send resumes to: Box T-8, co The Tribune, Seymour. The Dehra Cam Agentyt fcnev has Poster Home Consultant position aveilODle requiring 0 aA, 8S, BoW plut experience. Position involves recruiting, training, and licensing foster parents.

Knowledge of child wet-fare system, as well at hovlng good Communication ond written skills ore important. Send resumes to: OCA, Inc. PO Box 474 Scoesburg, IN 47170 TRUCK DRIVERS CAMIR OfORTUNITY Emerson Electric Division (fortune 100 Company) is seeking over me road team opera tion drivers to be bated in Seymour, Indiana. -u I. nome every vveex torn peri live eatery (Annual salary .50,000) 'Ccrrwony Poid fwiwlori 40IK liroidHolldon (Paid at Daily Avg.

lorrHngs) rorO VOCWrOr? Ifald et DaUv Ava. Eomlnasl High Mleoge, Higher fold Miles, Short A long Term Slok ray, lite Insurance, late Mode) Mmermonois, AFWCAMH MOST! 'Have Ctost A C01 wrA HAZyMAT Hove Good Sohxv fleoord fees ol D.O.T. ftoayirernenh; Including Drug 'Be 11 yeort of ope Merested comfafatoi ihouldeol 314-385-2100: 1400643-9026 or 1-800433-1401. ext. 117.

310 or 311 iorOTapprtcrslan. sua TWaTliWBSB sTeBSAMA rt growing ogoin. We wj opswitifl 3 mw RsMtetWcwmri in fcS mm) 10 ncwNhc ond ore loMinQ for GntnJi MteVWQtri ond Monooori! Ar you imni4 In Good fay, 40t, pmd vocorrOM, hootlti p)iiurojicOf ond ffMnopor Sorwt rVoQron if yon oro ttrrWOtod ond hovo nonoQsrlol ONportonc fn tfvt Food Sorvtco IrfduiMof, pwom fond your mum tof 2003 5ta Sor AaealMi file Lines t4BqjsjneiBjBf fwmMmm censiisj Become a carrier for The a $10 incentive Reward a A GREAT FEW TmE KIOS ftAROUSa, new enrolling children ages 2-10. A stole licensed child core cenier providing quality care, fur) day kindergarten, trained staff, nutritious mean and snacks, preschool activities and much more. Col today 522 1953.

MOTH! Of 2 hos opening on 2nd shift. Inferences 522-9595. Ommm ton Child core. CPI cemKcotion. Af-ferdoUe rates.

522-1306. PMOOOB PflOPU licensed daycore hot limlled openings for 1-3 year olds, licensed teacher provides educational nutritious meolt, bookmobile visits, much more. Mersdlmr MATURE INSIY10UAL who enjoys working 'with Senior Citizen. Jackson County rjrea, partme, five days per week. DepertcJable car necessary.

References required. EOE. Hione Roxonne at 445-3SSS for appUcation bf July 16.199S. (MAT MtAm. experienced butchertkinner, Fort time ponible.

Col 522-8677. NO NIGHTS, WIEXENDS, OR HOU0AYSII Now that Ihe kids ore back In school vjouldnl be groat to bo Komo whan Ihoy orot to ot tootttng lor hoMatt dopanciobto Wsptefjfaai wto VoKiO UwiapOfV rt-ni-m nnA unrleikii in -A. AsfoMtM AstsoKAaA. QWKBj OnQ vOfiBjiy in snsiir woni. PraOOT mbjshbb otian groat bou ond wnoWy poycKoch Mutt bo oblo to bo bondM and ncwo a vom cvw'.

ikomo. Apry to ptnon art 315 East 4tK Stroot, Styirour rWrckiy tbrough Friday 9ofn to 3pm or cqH 523-1 725 (or on oppCyintmonl NOW H'etiNO QUALIFIED TRANSPORT DRIVERS THIS rS A ONI TV4I CnPORTVrNITY TO RtCIIVI PUU WAO AT 0OILT MAOcSON AKBtVT After completing 45 day pujoutionory period, drivers will recetvei lvlO Per milt team $.2973 Per mlletlngle 8 Hour layover Pay .6 Paid Holidays 2 Paid personal days ond paid vocation aher one year service. Health insurance, dental and pension plan available alter quallticaMn period. APPLY IN PtRSON ATI DOW MADISON 3060 NATIONAL ROAO Deportment ol Development, 2320 Midway. Suite 83.

Columbus EOEAAP nUMMRS MlM RS or labors for plumbing ond mechanical, send resume to PO Bon 9)1 North Vernon IN, 47265. MODUCT DATA TKHNKIAN ASSISTANT Kimball Office Caseaoodt Manufodurlna has a lona tradition of manufacturing high quality Office furniture worldwide, we currently nave a challenging, position In our Engineering Deportment for a Product Data Technician Assistant at our Solem IN plant. This position would be responsible for data entry end data maintenance hi me tonowing systems: logio Encel i Eitampfis ofbfhet lob duties Include: entering material records and write rules In logio, Entering models and port numbers In all systems Hstea. Auditing information change! In oM systems listed. Minimum Skills required would be extensive experi ence and knowledge ot Copies Bilk ot Materials, PC experience, knowledge of furniture product kt helpful, the ability to deal with pressure sttucmons ot wel as the ability to work flexible hours with a positive aW-lude and a willingness to go the extra mne.

If you hove the ouolificationt for this position, send your resume with experience to the toHowing: Kimball Office Catwaoods ATTN Imptayee eervke 4 1 -POT JOOKlmkMilSlvel. Salem, IN 47167 REGISTERED NURSES Due to a change in staffing patterns, we are currently hiring iEGISTERED NURSES for furl and parHlme positions on aH three shifts, We are looking for honest ond dependable people to provide quollly core for our residents. Bonus progrom rjvailoble. ft interested, oppty person to: CaiiinTUftlty Core Cerrter SSSOCerttYalAvemM LCo4iHnbu8f IN 1 contact: Office Manager (B13)37-o6e BOB ROUTE BALI servicing existing orxounts, paid holidays, excellent benefits, 40 IK plan, soiery in the 30's, tend resumes to 15 co the Tribune 1215 E. Tipton.

Seymour In 47274. ROUTE SALES MANAGER Schwon's Is reoching New Heights ie to (tie high demand tor our products, senwan it eking hard working and god orlentd Individuals to II end deliver our high quality products to customers dtrough home delivery system. In return for your hard work, you wil enoy a guaranteed storting income of 500 per week including a compter, benefit package. 8 you're ready to build a career with a secure and tost growing company, cos us reooy ror a aWiaentiat Interview. (812) 346-5708 p5iimrHjrlitoar for Change of Name In the Jackson Circuit Court Annual Term, 1998 Cause No.

3eC01-yf)07-M1-OOOU NOTICE OF FILING OP PETITION TO CHANGE NAME Notice is hereby given that on September 9, 1998 Ian Matthew Addletberger filed Petition in the Jackson Circuit Court requesting that his name be changed to Ian Matthew McPherson. Any parson objecting to said Petition should file their written objections with the Jackson Circuit Court Brownstown, Jackson County, Indiana wilhin thirty (30) days after the last publication of Wis Notice. This action has been filed under Cause No. 36C01-rK)7-MI-O00H Jackson Circuit Court. Ian M.

Addletberger Ian M. Addlesberger, Petitioner 545 Usher Drive Seymour, IN 47274 (812)522-8446 7 Legal Plrxlce Housing Authority of the City of Seymour. Due to the volume of persons on our Section Waiting List, effective October 28. 1998. the Waiting List will close.

This means that no Pre-Appiication will De taxen after Beptaro- fser2ll998. S25 LEGAL NOTICE Foreclosure to satisfy lien of A All Seasons Seir Storage, 1349 W. Tipton Street, Seymour, IN 47274. Sealed bids wiU be accented until Property to be sold on 10-29-98 at MOO a.m. include: Thomas J.

Bullard unit 96. I S2S t. A TO 2 UNUiCAMNO. We da a all. give a cat.

itaipeuoi. BACK HOi work and dump trucking services. Ed McMonon, 995270. MXHM, MHIBOZR, Dump (nick. Ml aH septic ivsletns, concrete, Excavoting 358-5026 IViget 523-5923.

stACKHOt, MHUOZIR, trencher, ond dump truck Mnfc. fern Tirford. 356-3337. NtdwA, 353040. MMMm ASSHTANCI owHobr to startup and willing buiwaiiai.

Contort tSa Smdl lutlnnu wloprMnt Cantar at 38I at HOQW-Tm HMMTUU USTORATtON, HEPAHtS: Choir Ing, twkt. AMa Tracy, 322-7934, HACKMAN CUSTOM Hog end baat pn caulng. Maal com span, lundla aneUabla. food Mampi walcoma. 322-1635, HATS, T-SHIKTS, SwaattKlrlt, jockari, ilgni, ban-nan, curiofnar mollbaM, vaKkla grepriKi, logoi, prlnrtd color HcVtn.

I'll put your pKolot and laW en obava. HTS Signt a Stud, Avanua, Frawnen Field, 522 2154. MHO tOMNSON ConitrucHon remedtllng, and general rapoK, 322-6780, ORTAIU MTAE Butlneu, wil come lo your carlen, noma, builnau, clean vehicle. 524- 482, QUAUTY tOOPINO, tiding and pointing at 5234463 WIDMNtt PHOTOORAPHVI teawnable Hotel Cell fan urre, 522-3943 leave menage WID0INO WIOTOOIIAPMTl trent Ooben. 522-1370 alter 6 pm.

Vntlll ROOVme Quality roofing, vinyl tiding, teemleit guttering, many relerencet. 322 3247. WHi DO preuure wathlng, houtemoblle-hometofr tKeibuiidinqi any kind Prne eitimatn. yt-vtui 'AM YOU Motivated and mUina to workl Automa- Nve Service Technician needed. Very competitive pay.

Great tenehn. Stale of me art thop. Send re pltet to eon T-l7ce The Tribune. 49 OVMWIIOfff People Needed to late Weight end corn cutra rncemell tan 3iJ it3, A MRICTOR In an Infant and Toddler Child Care Center. Early childhood Development andor Education Degree with a Kindergarten Endorsem*nt re quired.

Submit Ketume along wHh work hlttory end rererencet le: r.O, Bon 83, Seymour, wi tit A MRT-TIMI before and after tchoekage child core. EducoNoA of exaerlence la a reloted field bene Kclol. Submit retume along vrlrh work hlttory and rer erencet lb: r.O. Bon 783, Seymour, 47274. ACCIFflNO AmKATIONt for management poll- Horn.

HourlySalary, bonus opportunity, experience required, local plua reitourant. Send word hlttory resume to Bon eo The Tribune, BOX 447, Sey mour, IN 44, --r ACCOUNTS PAYASLI Kefty Servlcee It currenrW recruiting for a BotlHan Ihe flnonca oVportment for a leading mo nufoc hirer la the Woletbore area. The person would be repontlbte fof preforming accounls payable Kmclkjas tetated to the processing of Invoices, Candidates should hove me tallowing reopwomerts: Good lOKey and computer typing skills Able to work In fast paced, high volume imrlrament Derail oriented 'VwJorganlied Basic accounting knowledge Previous accounting poyoble experience preferred If this sounds like the (ob for you, or If you would like more rntormutlon, contoct Keny services todoyl KlUYURVfCIl CBjmbu, IN 47J01 J) J42-3I11 ARSrf NOW Hiring part tme doyt, Apply In pen AM YOU a repontible aduft who would like to work wHh rjevelpementorly chaHanged odurltl If you ore, then a Support Associates position It far vou, Pleate-call Nanette Cloghorn at 112-273-2414 tor mora in- AM VOU job hunnngt For profeulonol resume ot a reoterioble price, cat Urn Hiimpt ot 339-3U3, AVON looking for IndMduoti needing flexible hours, extra Income, hold no inventory end costs only 820 (tori. Call 92Z-5V47. BAY ATTINOANTf, all shift, apply at Eogle want, Behind BOYD BIIOB.

Transportation needs entry level drivers. No experience needed. Earn 28K to 35K your first year plot benefits. Home weekends. For CM.

training cotl 800-206-7364. CADDIIS PU3 OPENING OCTOBER 1 NOW taking apcJIcoftont far oH OMWons, Please apply In person CADDIES PUS locotod by Blgfoot by the Intorttoai 21 15 East Tipton Monday Solwdoy, 8om 6pm STATE Of INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMF.NTAX MANAGEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE NO. M-f-H-RD-F DATE OP NOTICE: SEPTEMBER 2S, 199 DATE RESPONSE DUE: OCTOBER 26, 199S The Office of Water Management propoeei the following permit action, listed below: NPDES PERMIT PROPOSEDMINOR-RENEWAL KIEFFER PAPER MILLS 1220 West Sptinf Street, Brownetown, Indiana, NPDES Permit No. IN0002461. The above-named applicant ha applied for renewal of their NPDES permit to discharge 14 million gal lona per day of process wastewater and Mormwatar Into East Fork of White River located in JACKSON COUNTY.

The applicant operatee pulp and paper mill, Propoeed ef fluent parameters to be limited andor monitored at Outfall No. 001: flow, total suspended solids, BODS and pH. Permit Writer Christina Lowry at 317-232-8707. PUBLIC NOTICE CENERAL INFORMATION Procedures -for 1he Farmitlatitin TJetermination. A.

Comment Period. The propoeed determination to issue a permit is tentative. Interested persons are invit-" ad to submit written comments on the prtv poeed permit. Deliver ar mail all requeelf or comments tot Indiana Depanment of Environmental Man-rement, Permit Section, Office of Water Management, 100 North Senate Avenue, P.O. Box 6015, IrrdlanapoJIt, Indiana 46206-6015.

AU Comments must be postmarked no sater than the date above to be omMdered in the formutetioa ef the flnalletermiiurlioo. B. Public Hearing -Any person may request public bearing within 30 deyi of the date of the Public CJtJk. IfJUNMO CNA. Chun staring the near hiluro.

EducaNon and 8 pining nrcwtdod. Above overage wages. Apply In portoe at rieroogo noma, ol Seymour. 707 S. iockson tarit Dr.

Seymour, IN 47274. Career Minded, dependable individuals needed to fill Quality Technician Apprtntke) Machinists poiition. ComptKKve wogej and benefits Full or Part Time Excel Inc. 170S last dfch Street Seymour, IN 47274 S12-S23-6764 Eouol Opportunity Employer CERTIFIED NURSINO ASSISTANTS Due to a chancie In ttofUncfpoiierni, we are currently hiring CIRTtfrlD NUHSINO ASSISTANTS for full and port time potittont on aH thre. thiftt.

Our retidena need dependable people to help cere for them. Come join our teamll bonus program available. interested, apply in perton to: CotiMnufilTy Cora CejAtor 33SO (antral Avar Or contact; Robbie IsteN, UN, DON (B11379-9o BOB ClOSIRB NBBDBD NOWI Two sales per equals full Hme Income. Unlimited potential far I Hveted perton. ff or PT I-80O333-618I CNA POSITIONS Sign an Bonus 'CemperMve Salary' vbcolton Holiday Pay ftjd Ski Days xcelent Working Environment fuf Dme ioim Contributory Insurance Won Avalloble lire rniurance Available pafsf CNA tVofrtftif CNA Chwtes begin fn the near future) Apply In perton ott HOOSIER CHRISTIAN VIUAOI 621 S.

Sugar Strowt rewnttswn, IN 47220 OATt PAMHY PIZZA hat Immediate openingi for two port time aetivery drivers, neate apply or 1 1 1 1 Weil Tipton Street. DIUVIRY-tlO Hi. Ava. Deliver Applications locally FTFT, coll now 1-800- 373-3696 ext. 6858 DIITARY POSITIONS Dietary Deparltnenl for long Ttrni Care Facility it accepting applkaHons.

Apply In person at Heritage House of Seymour, 707 S. Jackson Park Drive, Seymour, IN 47274. DOLLY MADISON BAKERY Dolly Modison Bakery Is seeking Bakery Utility Workers. Starting wag of $8.98 with beneflrt available. Earnings progressing to $12.83 per hour after 3 years.

High school diploma or equivalency preferred, Motivated self starters with a willingness to succeed should apply through Ihe litcfloflo Sinployiiteftf Security DiVfeloii S330 PAIefcntay SsifFe BS EOEAAP emVBR WANTID. Clatt A OTR. MoiHy Midwest Above overage pay for above overage driver, CoH 8 1 2-523-7257 8om-7pm. DRIVERSALESPERSON SiIqch, filotl norkctif of pfocon qcm Id reifctsflNot and amiMrcroi cui4omfi, ii stMiung on taciMciuci. fof ouf S)y nwurMof fh Vsv noti locotton.

Iapwwillhaf induct cWtvtftng propone, maintoin-Ing equipment, providing service to customers, and Identify and selling to new occountt, Condtdotet mutt have excellent communlcarlon skills, meet applicable D.O.T. requirements, and a -commitment to providing superior customer service. Candldatet mutt hove or be able to obtain valid COL VMp offer competitive salary and a enceNenl ben fits pockoge. Interesied condi doles should -apply In perton at Silgas imVAtnatiBf. SayirwaMrJM VUKINOII LacoJ compony needs workers to rMrtuoky lood and unload trailers.

i hour shifts. Work Frl. A Sot. 1 1pm to Ham Or Sol 4 Sun I lorn to llpm. wvfp BOT.wiNmn ITWOMBTAWINO I43S Notice.

The request must be submitted to the above address. The Department will hold public (tearing If there is significant degree of public Biter est in the proposed permit. Public Notice of such hearing will be circulated in at least one newspaper fit the geographical area of the discharge and to those persons submitting comments endor on the mailing list at least 30 days prior to the hearing. A written request shall include: the name and address of the person making the request, the interest of the person making the request, persons represented by the person making the request, the reason for the request and the issues propoeed for consider at ioa at the hearing. Avatiahlllty of Additional Inforrnation The application, proposed permit and related documents, comments received, and other pertinent information are on file end may be inspected in Room 1203, Indiana Department of environ mental Manegement, 100 North Senate Avenues, Indianapolis, Indiana, at any time between 9:00 a.m., and 4:08 p.m..

Monday 4rrroisgh Friday. AU ef these documents may be eopted el a cost at 15 cents per page. A copy of the draft permit is also on file wtth -the local health department end is available -lor public review. Please bring the forgoing to the attention of persons whom you know would be interested in this matter. 823 TO THE OWNERS OP THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a certified copy of decree to me directed from the clerk of Circuit Court of Jackson County, Indiana, in Cause No.

36C0i- 9o04-CP-49 wherein Nations Credit Financial Services Corporation wea Plaintiff, end Robert J. Neuiwender et al were Defendants, non the UrUROItKY MIOKAL nCHNKlANS Southern Indiana's aecurity Dm; seeking me wMMlNlduabtoMUandparttimepcion -iSMutewl Semrej Otmmedlotl poasxMteevahble iCompWive wagetSlOOO i tkFlexobtotchedual mutt be at kkm! 21 yMrt ol age. ciMn polic fKord and goad references. Potmans in ScoHiberg Area. Ftsase cat or apply at: S40 iMtfaWrfcM Dv4witi 9W (Sll) 1S1-S39 IUIR BNOUSTRIIS A North Vernon Induslriol Finishing Company Is teek-" Ino eondidales to hM the following positions PIQPVCTIOH WfHYtWm-2nd A 3rd shift-Quoiinconont include prevwt supervisory experience andor tem leoder experience wirh knriwledge ol point spray opphconon a plus-QUAUTT INSPICTOM- All shifts- previous IrnpK- experience with tome knowledge of basic quality proclice.

cVprocedures preferred. MODUCTION ASSOCIATIS- Exceptional atten dance and good work emw a must. Please Fax resumes to 812-346-1892 Attn. Human Resources Deporrmenl or call 8 1 2-346-442 1 or apply at 4 1 8 Stockwell Street, North Vernon. IN-POR kMMIDiATI NSIMSlATtON.

FOODS PLUS SEY-MOV2 Now hiring for the positions of: PorMlme Day Cashiers Part-time 3rd Shift Cashiers Apply to a member of Management. No phone calls please. EOE POSRT8R TRANSPORMIR new accepting appllca-Hons for light attembly work. Apply ot 500 S. Poplar Seymour, IN.

522-3718. ML OR Forttlme, IB yean or older, valid drivers cense required apply la person, no phone calls ptooto. Seymour Oreon House, 749 twing St. ML TIMB desk derk, 2nd shift, 3-It. Serious qwret only.

Apply in perton ot AH Stole Inn Motel. IMMEDIAT1 OMrvtNO for retail derkgroln elevator operator. Contact Joe Armstrong 522-4911. exl 244. KELLY SERVICES TOYOTA TUES0AYIIIII We're havlna a lob falrl Walk-Ins are vrekemell Kelly Services In holding a fob fair on Tuesday, September 29lh to recruit for indivdvals to join Kelly Services and Toyota Industrial Equipment team) VVe ore looking for hard working people who have a dependable work hlitroyand reliable transportation to work In manufacturina envlroment at the Toyota Industrial equipment plant in wawtooro.

located utt toum ot Columbus, Past production experience Is required. trve ore hiring tor me toHowing deportments: WIUHNO (MS WMMM UPlnltH rWCWkMO) mmt efaikat ateatiati salalSBt OrOrrxTtWean fOkr weTeW tMlljf ptWltioiM Vflth VMkOO wf $teS0 AM howl Cofnt ond tot ui ot (tri ob Voir botng hold ol our Kt ewvfcoi omco on mo oornor ot am and Brown irTtor in Columbus, No ooinhnofTt iwouory so drop by ond find your way to groat (obi Vou wont wont to mlM our on mil groat opp*rnjnityl KELLY SERVICES 910 Bfown Sfc'oof CefcmtHM, FN 47201 (BI3)37B-7S7 "OR (S1S)ia7-9MS L.N.'e or soon to graduate and become If-censedf We are currently cnxeprlng applieatlons for TEAM oriented protessiorials. Competitive wages, phis benefits. Apply ot Heritage House of 707 Jackson Pork Drive, Seymour, IN 47274 LOCAL RIAL Estate Company seeking to fill Market. ing coordinator position, lomputar stills required.

Send resume and salary requirements to: Box T-2 co lite irrovne. LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER WITH A STEADY INCOME? RR Donnetlley rm currently recruiting for packaging, toning, manifesting, labeling. These postttom can lead to career end working 9 weeks, pormonont placemen! considered. All shifts available. Overtime Ofjprjrfcrnltfesl ABK about our 25 cent an hour ottondonce fSOPAIS.

Apply Monday thru Friday, Bom to 5pm No appointment nocossoryl ELWOOO STAFFING 1425 Corporate Way i new required me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose a public sale to the highest bidder, en the 27th day of October, 1998, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. of said day, at the Jackson County Sheriff's Department, 220 East Walnut Street, Brownstown, Indiana 47220, fee simple of the whole body of Reel Estate in Jackson County, Indiana. A part of the Northeast. quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section ten (10), Township Four (4) North, Range Six (6) East, lying within the corporate limita the Town of Crothersville, and described as follows: Commencing at a point where the North line of Walnut Street in the Town of Crothersville and the West line of Armstrong Street inter-sects end running thence North parallel with Armstrong Street 132 feet; thence West ot right angles 66 feet; thence South at right angles 132 rest; thence East at right angles 66 feat to the place of beginning. 106 Walnut Street, Crothersville, Indiana.

Together with rente, issues, income, end profits thereof, said sale will be made wrthaut relief from valuation or appraieement laws. Herschel Baughman Sheriff of Jackson County, Indiana Vernon Township 106 Walnut St, Crothersville, Indiana The Sheriff's Department does not werrant the accuracy of the street address published MarkS. Gray. Atty No. 8201-49 September IS, 199S 818,25,02 State of Indiana -SSk- County of Jackson In the Matter of the Petition of Ian Matthew Addlesberger years i 1431.

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The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.